GENERAL 1. The International Cinematographers Film Festival “MANAKI BROTHERS” is the oldest one that is dedicated to cinematographers and presents the most recent works of the film professionals from all over the world to their colleagues, as well as to the film fans, from Macedonia and the Balkan region. It also encourages the cooperation between local and international filmmakers. The 26th IFFK MANAKI BROTHERS will take place September 20th to 25th 2005 in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. 2. The International Cinematographers Film Festival “MANAKI BROTHERS” parent organization is the Macedonian Film Professionals Association. Since 2002, the Festival is a membezr of the European Coordination of Film Festivals. Each year the Festival is held under the auspices of the President of Republic of Macedonia. The Festival and its activities are financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, City of Bitola and the other financial help comes from Macedonian institutions, commercial sponsorships, foreign cultural representative offices and embassies in the Republic of Macedonia.
FESTIVAL PROGRAMME 3. The programme of the 26th International Film Camera Festival “MANAKI BROTHERS” will include the sections listed below: - CAMERA 300 (Official Competition of Long Feature Films)
DATES AND CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION 4. Official or professional organizations and individuals may submit films to the Festival. The films submitted for CAMERA 300, Short Film Programme and Student programme for pre-selection should arrive 15 August 2005. The programme selectors and the Festival Director select the films that will participate at the Festival. The Festival Director approves the final list of films and the screening schedule. The prints of films accepted for screening in all the sections at the Festival must arrive in the festival office not later than 15 September 2005 and will be returned back right after the festival closing date, not later than 30 September 2005. Each film may be screened only 1 time including the press screenings. 5. CAMERA 300 will present not less than 12 long feature films from all over the world, produced within the last two years. This programme is competitive. All the films screened in this program must be Macedonian Premieres. Prior screening on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia disqualifies films from entry. Only films on 35mm may participate in CAMERA 300. One half of the films that will participate in the Official Competition will be selected from the submitted films. 6. SHORT FILM PROGRAMME will present a selection of the most recent European and world film works. Entries must have been produced within the last two years. The short film running time limit is 15 minutes. This programme is non-competitive and includes only films that have not been screened on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The films may be on Betacam SP (Pal only) and DVD, but 35mm format is preferred. 7. STUDENT PROGRAMME MANAKI BROTHERS will show films made by students from the whole world. Entries must have been produced within the last two years. The running time limit for student films is 30 minutes. This programme is competitive and includes only films that have not been screened on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The films may be in 35mm, Betacam SP (Pal only) or DVD
DOCUMENTATION 8. Duly filled Entry form and enclosed: - Film copy on VHS tape or DVD with English subtitles
TRANSPORTATION AND INSURANCE OF FILMS 9. The Festival incurs the costs connected with the transportation of prints of the films accepted and invited for festival screening, in direction to the Festival. The Festival covers all the expenses connected with the storage and insurance of the films during the Festival.
JURIES 10. The International Jury consisted of five members will be set up to judge the films that will compete in CAMERA 300. The festival prefers to have two cinematographers for jury members, of which one to be a Jury President. All the Jury members must be film professionals or figures directly involved in film business. 11. The Student Jury consisted of three members will be set up to judge the films that will compete in the STUDENT PROGRAMME MANAKI BROTHERS. 12. The five-member Jury of the Students of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts Skopje that grants Special Diploma in CAMERA 300. Persons involved in production or commercial distribution of films in competition are not allowed to be jury members. The Festival will cover round-trip tickets and hotel accommodation for each member of both of the Juries.
AWARDS 12. The 27th International Cinematographers Film Festival “MANAKI BROTHERS” will grant the following awards:
The Festival expects that the winners will personally attend the Award Ceremonies.
GUESTS 13. The Festival Director settles all the issues regarding the guest inviting, terms of their stay and accreditation. The cinematographer of each film presented in competitive programmes should be present at the Festival. The Festival covers the travel and accommodation expenses for the invited guests. Hospitality terms for other official guests will be indicated in their personal invitation. Confirmation for participation should be sent before 1 September 2005. Duly filled and signed Guest Application Form for accreditation should be submitted before 1 September 2005.
FINAL 14. Participation in the International Cinematographers Film Festival “MANAKI BROTHERS” shall presume observation of Festival Regulations. Submission of a film represents agreement with the regulations set forth here. The Festival Director has the right to settle all cases and issues not covered by these regulations. 15. The Festival mailing and shipping address is: International Cinematographers Film Festival “MANAKI BROTHERS” “8 Mart” 4